Light distribution

LIGMAN provides a wide variety of optical light distributions suitable for all architectural, roadway and area lighting applications, for example, VN: very narrow, N: narrow beam, M: medium beam, W: wide beam, VW: very wide beam: E: elliptical beam, plus Type II, III, IV and ME classification from IESNA/EN.

Distribution Type I (T1)
Type I distributes a very lineal shape. It is the optimal choice for applications such as one or two-lane roadways, walkways, paths or sidewalks. With a preferred lateral width of 15 degrees, it is suitable for lighting streets or pathways that have a width of up to 2 times the mounting height.

Distribution Type II (T2)
Ideal for wider walkways, entrance, roadways, bike paths and other long and narrow lighting application. Intended to be located near the side of a roadway, approximately 1.15 MH. Half-maximum candela trace on the Street side is beyond the 1 MH LRL but not beyond the 1.75 MH LRL.

Distribution Type III (T3)
Ideal for roadways, general parking, and other lighting application. Half-maximum candela trace on the Street side is beyond the 1.75 MH LRL but not beyond the 2.75 MH LRL.

Distribution Type IV (T4)
Especially suited for wall mounting or area applications and for illuminating the perimeter of parking areas. Half- maximum candela trace on the Street side is beyond the 2.75 MH LRLMH LRL.

Distribution Type V (T5)
Type V distributes a circular pattern (there is also a Type VS that produces a square distribution with a more defined angle). Having the same distribution at all lateral angles, it is perfect for general area lighting – the ideal choice if you are looking to do parking lots or intersections.

Distribution Type ME
For motorized vehicles on traffic routes. Some countries apply ME classes from ME1-ME6, with ME1 defining the strictest requirements. For wet road conditions the MEW classes go from MEW1 to MEW6.

Distribution Type SCL
Type I/II (long) beam for very wide pole to pole distances. Ideal for pedestrian paths and residential roads. EN13201 P-classes.

MH= Mounting height
LRL= Longitudinal Roadway Lines, running along the roadway.

Very Narrow beam (VN)
Narrow beam (N)
Medium beam (M)
Wide beam (W)
Elliptical beam (E)